Goodbye Snow; Normality Returns to Eagles

Everything is back to the usual schedule at Eagles this week following the disruption caused by the snow.

The Parent & Child tournament went ahead at the weekend, see the post below for a full report.


posted by Simon

Parent & Child Winners

We had 18 pairs enter our Adult and Child competition this year, slightly lower in numbers due to a tournament clash. However the pairs that were there provided entertainment and some really good games of badminton.

In competition 1 where where all children have to be of primary age this was the first competition for most of the children so to see them experience playing in a tournament was tremendous for them all. I was impressed with the standard and to see the youngsters helping their parents with the scoring was very impressive. The top three in this competition were Winner - Sang and Alan Tu, Runner Up - Jack and Ben Gale, 3rd place - Harry and Michael Willis.

In competition 2 again we had some really good games of badminton with several ending 21-20. The top three in this competition were Winner - Altaf and Raece Master, Runner up - Adam Master and James Rambukpitiya, 3rd place - Paul and Will Singh.

In our strongest competition our winners were Rob Clark and Adam Tripp, runners up - Paul and Tom Singh, 3rd place - Tommy Little and Adam Master. Rob and Adam have already laid down the gauntlet for next year and are determined to win the trophy for a second time before Adam becomes too old to play as a child. So for all of you not plaing this year there is the challenge.

The competition will take place again the last Saturday in January so this gives everyone a chance to get in training!!


posted by Simon

Adult & Child Tournament Update

Emerson Park have confirmed that the school will be open for us on Saturday so the Adult & Child tournament will go ahead as planned.


posted by Simon

Emerson OFF; Bower ON

ALL SESSIONS at EMERSON PARK are CANCELLED THIS WEEK. The school have said that the car park is dangerous and they are shutting for lettings all week.

It is now confirmed that BOWER PARK sessions are ON.

The Adult and Child competition is still on at the moment but Emerson Park will contact me on Thursday with an update. I will contact all competitors on either Thursday evening or Friday to confirm whether the competition is on.



posted by Simon

Emerson Park School CLOSED Monday 21/01/13

We have received notification from Emerson Park this morning to say that due to adverse weather conditions the school will be closed today so the Junior Borough Squad session tonight is cancelled.


posted by Simon

Tournament News

Colchester 1* Tournament - 23rd February - entries due by 15th February 2013. Boys and girls singles and doubles with the following age restrictions: Y5/6, Y7, Y8/9, Y10/11.

Entry Form

The event will be held at Colchester Leisure World.


posted by Simon

Singles Ladder

The singles ladder will continue on the following dates;

  • 13th February
  • 20th March
  • 17th April


posted by Simon