We had 18 pairs enter our Adult and Child competition this year, slightly lower in numbers due to a tournament clash. However the pairs that were there provided entertainment and some really good games of badminton.
In competition 1 where where all children have to be of primary age this was the first competition for most of the children so to see them experience playing in a tournament was tremendous for them all. I was impressed with the standard and to see the youngsters helping their parents with the scoring was very impressive. The top three in this competition were Winner - Sang and Alan Tu, Runner Up - Jack and Ben Gale, 3rd place - Harry and Michael Willis.
In competition 2 again we had some really good games of badminton with several ending 21-20. The top three in this competition were Winner - Altaf and Raece Master, Runner up - Adam Master and James Rambukpitiya, 3rd place - Paul and Will Singh.
In our strongest competition our winners were Rob Clark and Adam Tripp, runners up - Paul and Tom Singh, 3rd place - Tommy Little and Adam Master. Rob and Adam have already laid down the gauntlet for next year and are determined to win the trophy for a second time before Adam becomes too old to play as a child. So for all of you not plaing this year there is the challenge.
The competition will take place again the last Saturday in January so this gives everyone a chance to get in training!!
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