Blog Post

Results from Adult & Child Tournament

The finalists of the 2012 Adult & Child Tournament were as follows;

  • 9am Final - Tommy Little & Robert Clark (21) bt (19) Chris & Ben Lineham
  • Plate - Daisy Hailiton & Paige Beaumont (21) bt (13) Paul Bean & Daniel Whitham
  • 11am Final - Paul & Tom Singh (21) bt (14) George Williamson & James Rambukpitiya
  • Plate - Neil & Sean Yakes (21) vs (13) Ben & Stephen Hayes
  • 1pm Final - Paul & Will Singh (21) bt (?) Altaf & Raece Master
  • Plate - Tim & Phoebe Malone (21) bt (7) Ben & Steven Gale
  • Well done to all competitors and a big thank you to the organisers.


posted by Simon